This first issue of the Year Book is dedicated to the memory of the late John Martin Littlejohn. For over fifty years of a long life, ‘J.M.L.’ brought his intellectual gifts to bear on the problems of the science of osteopathy as student and teacher and for thirty of those years his was the authoritative voice in this country. In the last decade, however, no such single source of authority has been available and in our present stage of development there is such a clash of opinion coupled with an ever-growing medical influence, that the theoretical principles of osteopathy are threatened with extinction.
The purpose, therefore, in forming the Osteopathic Institute of Applied Technique is to bring together in one body, those members of our profession who are prepared to interpret and apply osteopathy as it was laid down by A. T. Still. Under its Constitution the Institute is designed to promote research into the skeletal structure and mechanics of the physiological movements of the spine and the techniques based thereon. To preserve the fundamentals of the osteopathic concept, and to create a nomenclature by which the mechanics of the osteopathic techniques may best be described. To publish books and pamphlets of a technical nature, to build up a library and by these means to gradually establish a centre to which the profession may look for assistance in technical problems.
The material presented in this volume is compiled from members’ lectures delivered throughout the year and selected passages from the works of earlier authors. Our warmest thanks and appreciation are due to those of the founder members who have given time and energy to the production of the subject matter of the volume, and to the Management Committee of the Maidstone Osteopathic Clinic for their co-operation in providing premises for the meetings of the Institute.
January 1956
Dedicated to the Memory of JOHN MARTIN LITTLEJOHN
The memory of J. M. Littlejohn is perpetuated in this first issue of the Year Book of the Osteopathic
Institute of Applied Technique. It is worth noting that the late Dean edited the first
Journal of Osteopathy to be published in this country from its inception in August 1929
and that the first issue of the Osteopathic Quarterly carried the announcement of his death in December 1947.
- Theory of Osteopathy – Jocelyn Proby
- Development of the Spine – J. M. Littlejohn
- Mechanics of the Spine (very good diagrams) – John Wernham
- Diagnosis and Treatment of the Low Back – T. E. Hall
- Pelvic Technique (good illustrations) – Philip Jackson
- Physiological Movement of the Spine (good illustrations) – T. E. Hall
- Mackinnon Technique – J. Proby
- Destiny of Osteopathy – H. H. Fryette